Tuesday, April 20, 2010

reBlog from Greg Jarboe: April 20, 2010

I found this fascinating quote today:

According to Twain, it was the riverboat pilots - especially the reputable ones, who shared information and observations with their peers. Twain could have been describing SEOs when he wrote, "all pilots are tireless talkers, when gathered together, and as they talk only about the river they are always understood and are always interesting."Greg Jarboe, April 20, 2010, Apr 2010

You should read the whole article.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Travel Ads Billboard Effect

Expedia and Hotels.com offer TravelAds as a way for your hotel to be displayed on the first page of their search results. Their platform allows you the advertiser to monitor the returns on your ad spend. In markets we have tested the results have been good. We have seen some months with returns of 35 to 1 on our advertising dollar. The six month campaign we used realized an 8 to 1 return on the campaign based on their reporting.

In addition we saw over the same six month period a 15 % increase in market share for the hotel that employed TravelAds. We attribute this to the Billboard effect.

Hotel shoppers early in the buying cycle will research the OTA's like hotels.com and Expedia and then make their reservation through a hotels brand or independent website. Chris Anderson associate professor at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration published his research on the subject of the "billboard effect". We have included below a link to an interview with Chris by VFM Leanardo.

For More information about hotel internet marketing please contact Workman Hims by clicking here on call us at 714-865-4059

Hotel Internet Marketing and Hotel Web Design
by WorkMan HIMS

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hotel Blog Marketing

Hotel Blog Marketing is a great way to get online exposure for your hotel and it's external or independent website. The thumbnail shown above is for the Corydon Indian Hotel Holiday Inn Express. The subject of the hotel's blog is their romance package and was published just a few weeks prior to Valentines day 2010.

The blog is setup so that it links back to the hotels website. It also includes the hotels phone number and a link to the hotels brand website booking engine. So consequently the online visitor should they want to purchase a romance package can do so three different ways.

The blog is also setup with a couple of ways to share the information. There is a re-tweet button and a Facebook share button. This allows the hotel to distribute the content of the blog to their twitter account as well as their Facebook page and share with their followers.

Analytics are tied to the hotels external website so that the hotel can measure the results of their blogging efforts down to the number of conversions the blog produces.

Finally, the indexing of the blog is amazing. Within three minutes of the blog post it was on the first page of Google for it's title tag.

Hotel blog marketing is a great way to communicate with potential hotel guest and influence their buying behavior. For more information please contact Workman HIMs a hotel internet marketing company with hotel and search engine marketing experience.

Hotel Internet Marketing and Hotel Website Design
by Workman HIMs
